
Guiding your career during uncertain times

We certainly are in unchartered waters with the pandemic that has spread across the world. The uncertainty with the threat you or someone in your family getting sick and financial collapse with virtually every industry being affected can be overwhelming.

I have experienced a couple of recessions that created a sort of reset in the economy, but every time, the United States recovered stronger than ever. So be encouraged that this time will not be different. We are a resilient nation and the human spirit is remarkable.

My nature is to find the positives whenever I can in any situation. Sometimes that can be difficult, but COVID has highlighted some things that over time will teach us a lot about ourselves, our relationships and what we value. I don’t think I need to go into each of these, but I would like to focus on time.

As a recruiter, I speak with people every day who are so busy in their careers that they haven’t even had the time to consider their future and career path. The quarantines in place and work from home situations should give you an opportunity to take a step back and really evaluate your current path and if you are on the right track with your career. Many people tell me that they are open to opportunities that could benefit them financially or gain more experience, but they are not prepared to respond should that role come their way. This could be opportunities in your current company or outside.

If this is you and you need some guidance and practical ways to make sure you are positioned for the next step in your career, here are some suggestions.

  • Update your resume. A professionally crafted resume on hand is KEY. Too many people are not ready with a current resume when something comes along.
  • Become an expert in your field or at least be perceived as an expert. Share or write articles, jump in to help with special projects. Being knowledgably current and aware of your competitors, the markets, etc. will make you a valuable prospect as well as a thought leader in your field.
  • Network with influencers in your field via LinkedIn, or other social media. By doing this you not only are on their radar, but you are abreast of current information they are contributing or posting that could be of value to you.

  • This is a start and enough to at least set the wheels in motion. Stay safe and see you on the other side.
    Terri Kosecki is a Senior Executive Recruiter and Career Coach with The McSweeney Group.

    We are a resilient nation and the human spirit is remarkable.

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